-- Learning scripts/module
-- $self->{LOG} goes to module log.pm -- require "structured" replacement for debug messages and other STDOUT warning print statements
-- code can always be improved...
Can we monitor all activity, not just poll it?
-- write a sig-list-file generator script (e.g., watches for 24 hours and then writes a file which can be hand-modified afterwards); -- improve sigs: e.g., look at cwd or .so files used, or...
-- write a sig-list-file generator script (e.g., watches for 24 hours and then writes a file which can be hand-modified afterwards);
-- move sig list to a file; -- write a sig-list-file generator script (e.g., watches for 24 hours and then writes a file which can be hand-modified afterwards); -- or: two files: one for std Solaris 7 (or other std OS), one for local stuff, e.g., nqs, this latter generated by the script;
-- should be able to compare any two sets of logs (check it can do this and _document_ this --- its upto Scripts/taillog to get the "second" set of log files by some means, e.g., this could be scp from user machine to sylo machine (with cheesewire running on sylo machine)
-- use inotify: http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-inotify.html -- if a change occurs, check if its its from dpkg or rpm (or whatever), if it is log and update sig, if not then usual warning -- adaption: if new files appear in a configured directory should be incorporated automatically; -- addition to a file, no decrease, e.g. for wtmp and log files (how to deal with log-rotate --- or write a dedicated log-watch util (log files should never _decrease_ in size, only be manipulated by log-rotate); --------------------------------------- DONE -- add in directory listings : are there any new files in said directory? -- different time scales : -- important files each hour; -- more files each night;
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